Professional Development for Educators
Annual Conference
Participate in interactive standards and research-based workshops developed by educators and focused on effective writing instruction for all learners.
2025 Conference
Open to TK-College educators
Interactive Workshops
Professional Learning Workshops tailored for individual educators, instructional educators, instructional coaches, and teams of educators.

Units of Continuing Education
Participants can also earn continuing education units. The units are available to purchase from Univesity Extension.
Invitational Summer Institute
Unique year-long professional learning experience for teachers to develop, hone, and share expertise in the teaching of writing across all genres and disciplines.

ISI Fellows qualify to:
- Become teacher leaders within the IAWP
- Be hired as presenters at professional learning workshops by IAWP, California, and National Writing Projects
- Be hired as directors of Young Writers' Academies
- Publish creative and professional materials
- Present at conferences
The IAWP hosts an Invitational Summer Institute every other year. For more information click here
Customized Programs
The IAWP can provide professional development that is specifically tailored to the particular needs and interests of schools and districts.

Type of programs include (but are not limited to):
- Establishing a Community of Writers in the Classroom
- Teaching Writings as a Process
- College, Career, and Community Ready Writers
- Improving Students' Analytical Writing
- Creating Connections between Reading and Writing by using Mentor Texts
- Using Formative Assessment to Improve Student Writing
The Pricing of these programs varies based on hours.
Units of Continuing Education
Participants can also earn continuing education units. The units are available to purchase from University Extension.
Contact the IAWP Office for more information: