IAWP Events

IAWP 2025 Conference
February 22, 2025 @ 9:00 am
UCR Student Success Center
Dear Educators,
Are you ready to transform your writing instruction into memorable lessons that get students engaged in their classroom, community, and beyond?
Then grab all your teacher friends and register today for the Inland Area Writing Project Annual Conference. The conference will be held in person on February 22, 2025…

IAWP Invitational Summer Institute
June 17, 2024 @ 9:00 am
UC Riverside Campus
The Invitational Summer Institute (ISI) is a unique year-long professional learning experience based on teachers teaching teachers by developing, honing, and sharing expertise in the teaching of writing in all genres and across the disciplines, K-University. Participation in the ISI is a grant-funded opportunity; therefore, there…

Inland Area Writing Project Conference 2023
March 11, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
UC Riverside - Student Success Center
IAWP Conference 2023: (Re) Discovering the Joy in Writing
Are your Post-Covid writing lessons stuck in the doldrums muck? Do your students lack engagement and writing fluency? It’s time to spark the joy again and help students find the power in their own words. Please join us for an afternoon in UCR of community, writing and…

Improving Students’ Analytical Writing 2023 Workshop Series
January 30, 2023 @ 4:30 pm
Online webinar via ZOOM.
Reinvigorating the Neglected Narrative
Considering the emphasis on expository and argumentative writing in secondary and post-secondary courses, narrative, memoir, and biography are taught as an afterthought or not at all. Furthermore, as a genre narrative is often viewed as superfluous and not what students need for real life or…